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Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation

Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation

Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation is ensured by combining several areas of Dental Medicine and its aim is to interact with the areas needed for each smile to be a pleasure and each chewing to be tasteful.

The main dental areas of intervention within this branch are Implantology, Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation and Fixed or Removable Prosthesis.

In Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation at our clinics, the relation with the laboratory is fundamental to control the quality of the works to be carried out. To ensure a high quality level of our works, our clinics have prosthesis’ technicians working directly with our dentists.

All types of removable prostheses (skeletal and acrylic), fixed prostheses, prostheses over implants, orthodontic appliances and other works combined are executed with the more advanced techniques present on the market, in which results obtained are fully guaranteed and in accordance to community standards.

The smile you have always wanted is now at your reach.

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